Bharat Bhise HNA Talks about Airport Cybersecurity: 97% Failure

Bharat Bhise HNA joins the rest of the world in reveling in the shocking news: 97% of the world’s airports soundly failed a cybersecurity test from ImmuniWeb.
In the 2020 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos-Klosters, the WEF had expressed concern in the cybersecurity found in the world’s airports. After all, millions of travelers pass through these airports every year, traveling across the globe. Their most sensitive personal information and data get processed through the airports—for immigration purposes, visas, and more. Their addresses, social security numbers, personal information, and other vital information are all referred back to in these airports.
So it goes without saying that it’s merely a reasonable expectation for airports to have foolproof security. Sadly, from what Bharat Bhise HNA understands from the results of the study, that is not the case.
The Gaping Holes
In a sweep of the 100 most prominent international airports in the world, ImmuniWeb discovered that even in their most “secure areas,” a vast majority of the airports’ compliance and privacy areas, these airports failed to pass the cybersecurity tests.
l  97% of their websites had outdated web software
l  24% had exploitable bugs and issues
l  24% also had no secure layers of encryption
l  76% of them did not comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation
l  73% failed to comply with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard requirements
Bharat Bhise HNA adds that in even more concerning results, the websites were not the only things with problems in security.
l  100% of the airports’ mobile apps had at least two significant vulnerabilities
l  530 security and privacy issues were found
l  288 mobile security flaws were found
l  66% of the airports already had their data exposed to the dark web
l  72 out of 325 total exposures were critical and high risk
All these terrible numbers represent a horrifying truth: in a place where we have so much of our data and identities processed, there is very little security to be found.
Bharat Bhise HNA hopes that these numbers give airports around the world a wake-up call.


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