Bharat Bhise HNA on Behavior-Based Cybersecurity

As a cybersecurity expert, Bharat Bhise HNA has years of experience dealing with digital threats and data protection. His skills and expertise over the years have allowed him to share tips and tricks to become successful in the field.

Bharat Bhise HNA knows that most of the time, cybersecurity events are caused by insider threats – threats that can come from employees, contractors, business associates, former employees, or anyone who has information concerning a company’s security practices, data, and computer systems. However, according to reports and unlike the famous depiction of cyber-attacks, hackers usually simply find a weak link in the people who work in the company since it the best path of attack.

So how do leaders protect their organizations and institutions from cyber-attacks without having to halt operations and possibly lose pace with financial industry innovation? Bharat Bhise HNA is happy to introduce a new approach for cybersecurity called behavior-based cybersecurity.

Most firms use the old approach, signature-based, which relies on understanding how a threat “looks” from data attributes such as file name and size, which makes a “signature”. The new approach, behavior-based cybersecurity handles security issues very differently. Like what is stated on its name, this new approach is based on an individual’s behavior, using data to model what normal behavior is and then compares it against what they are currently doing.

Bharat Bhise HNA believes that pursuing behavior-based cybersecurity increases active measures to protect networks. Understanding what “normal” behavior is for each user and computer or network asset is essential for behavior-based cybersecurity, which makes it ideal for institutions and difficult for hackers to attack. This approach requires a large volume of data and different approaches to data management. Preparing to set-up behavior-based cybersecurity needs a lot of work – data collection, storage, and reports, but if leaders start asking questions and encourage cooperation as early as possible, institutions will have a much smarter approach to cybersecurity that would significantly reduce the risk of cyber-attacks.


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